PDXCUG Meeting Highlights
Vol. 2, No. 12 - December 8, 2011 - Meeting Highlights
Live Video Presentation: 38K Baud with V-1541 2.1 on a Comet64 Internet Modem
Goog and Agent Friday demonstrate the new version of V-1541 (a virtual disk drive to access disks
and files directly from the Internet) which incorporates the new 38.4K baud driver.
It was some pretty astonishing results:
V-1541 streams/loads large files faster than JiffyDOS locally. Nice work, guys!
Megabit 128 ROM Adapter
The Megabit 128 ROM Adapter plugs into either a flat Commodore 128 or a Commodore 128D. Once installed, you can press the Help key to bring up a menu of applications or games that are installed on the ROM. The supported ROMs can go up to 8MB.
I installed the ROM adapter during Tinker Time into a flat Commodore 128. As you see here, we have a menu of apps. We loaded Leaderboard Golf from the next menu page, which had even more programs.
Apple II on an FPGA
Victor brought his Apple II FPGA project to show everyone. Here he is, giving a quick demo of it. Looking good so far. We can't wait until it is done!
PDXCUG.org Member Snapshots
Gaming Time: Canabalt and C64anabalt Comparison and Competition
We found it so interesting that there were two releases of the same game within such a small time frame that we decided to compare the two games side-by-side and then have a little fun with a gaming competition. The winner received a copy of Inside Commodore DOS. Congratulations goes to Jeff, who had the best combined score.