Our group specializes in Commodore 64, SX-64, Commodore Vic-20, Commodore 128 and other Commodore computers. We meet regularly to discuss ideas, code, brainstorm projects, participate in the scene, and play games.
Commodore Users Group
in Portland, Oregon
Commodore Computers
About our Members
Our members are dedicated and involved in pursuing Commodore-related projects and ideas. If you are interested in Commodore computers, feel free to join us - Our members are friendly and welcome all levels of interest. Please visit our Membership Page for assistance in becoming a member.
Next MeetingThursday, April 10, 2025 6:00 pm
Portland Commodore Users Group Meetings Online
Come play games with us or chat during our next Users Group meeting with VICE or a Comet64
Commodore Computer and Software Donations
Our club will gladly accept your donations, such as Commodore computers, software, disks or cartridges.
You can rest assured that the items you donate will be graciously accepted, put to good use, and cared for. Thank you!
Contact Us with your donation
Live Screencasts from Our Commodore 64 to Yours
We are proud to announce that, with the power of the Internet and CommodoreServer, we are able to broadcast a live screen, in real time, from our Commodore 64 to yours...
modBASIC - BASIC, with Local Variables and Parameter Passing
Agent Friday has been working on reducing some of the frustrations of using BASIC on a Commodore 64...
CS Chat for Windows
Chat with others, launch games and apps from the Internet with VICE
Access D64 files and play games over the Internet from a Commodore computer.
Comet Chat 1.5
This new installment of Comet Chat allows for custom fonts and game launching with online friends.
Miaou - Chat for Windows
Here is a Windows-based chat app for chatting in CommodoreServer's chat rooms. Download Miaou